Friday, 21 September 2018

PrEP 2018

This week PrEP started and it started with a bang in case you didn't know PrEP is a program we do at Grey Main School and its where you make stuff and sell it for fake money. but there is also outside the class jobs like advertising agency where you make ads for other PrEP ventures there is also the police where you go around and make sure everyone is doing the right thing. and we have mini market where not every PrEP venture participate but some do because they want to showcase what they have made and make a bit of money. and then there is big market the next week where every PrEP venture particapate and make as much money as they can and at the end the venture that makes the most money wins the entire PrEP. This year I am apart of the advertising agency and this is a video of Mini Market.

Friday, 14 September 2018

Blogger of the Week

I am T2's Blogger of the Week and I have earnt my digital badge!

Rubik's Cube Solve

Do you remember the Rubik's cube? I know it's pretty old but it is retaking minds of Totara 2 at Grey Main School. About 5 people can do it ( including me ) and another 5 people nearly mastered it! this is me at my house doing it in 1:51 Seconds so I made a little presentation on me doing it.

Friday, 7 September 2018

Cantamaths Digital Badge

This term I was part of the team that went to Christchurch for the Cantamaths competition. We had a great time with Miss Power and Phil. I have earnt my digital badge for Cantamaths.

ICT Kids Conference Digital Badge

For the past 2 days I have been at the ICT Kids Conference at Shantytown. We have been learning about VR, coding, robotics and heaps more. I have earnt my ICT Kids Conference Digital Badge.